The Julia plotting system is available from a set of packages each one using its own syntax. The most important examples are the Plots and Gadfly packages. In this post, we will take a look at the basic functionalities from these libraries. Before we start playing around, the first thing to do is to install the necessary packages: using Pkg Pkg.add("Plots") Pkg.add("GR") Pkg.add("PyPlot") Pkg.add("Gadfly") Now let’s get started!! The Plots package The most basic plot that we can do is a line plot.
In the previous post, we talked about what is Julia, how to install it and we have learned how to work rightaway with tabular data. Now we are going to take one more step and learn new tricks with the DataFramesMeta package. The first thing that we need to do is to install the package. using Pkg Pkg.add("DataFramesMeta") Once it is installed, let’s get started! Important: In this post I am using the current stable release (v1.
In recent years, data science has become a huge attractive field with the profession of data scientist topping the list of the best jobs in America. And with all the hype that the field produces, one might ask: what does it take do be a data scientist? Well… that’s a good question. First of all, there are a lot of requirements. But one of the most important ones is to learn how to work with data sets.